Important Thumb Rule For Construction
Thumb Rule for Foundation

1). Steel required in footing is 0.8% of the total volume of concrete
2). The clear cover of the main reinforcement in the footing is 50mm.
3). A minimum 10mm bar shall be used for foundation footing.
4). M20 grade of concrete or above should be used for the foundation.

5). The length, width, and depth of the foundation should not be less than 1 meter.
6). Footing thickness should not be less than 40 cm.

7). Pile foundation should be used if soil bearing capacity is less than 24 kN/m3.
Thumb Rule For Column

1). The steel required in the Column is 2.5% of the total volume of concrete.
2). Minimum steel requirement in column = 0.8% of the gross area of concrete
3). Maximum steel requirement in column = 6% of the gross area of concrete
4). Spacing between Longitudinal reinforcement should not be more than 300mm.
5). The minimum clear cover in the column is 40mm. 25mm clear cover is provided if the column is less than 200mm.
6). Minimum dia of 12mm bars 4 numbers should be used in the column.

7). The maximum diameter of reinforcing bars in the column should be not more than 50mm.
8). Overlapping distance in longitudinal bars should not be less than 24 times the smallest bar dia.
9). The maximum spacing of stirrups is 16D or B or 300mm whichever is less.
10). The minimum size of the column should not be less than 9″ X 9″.
11). For the G+1 Structure, a 9″ X 12″ (225mm X 300mm) Column should be used.
12). The maximum space between two columns of size 9″ X 9″ should not be more than 4 meters.
13). M20 Grade of concrete should be used in concreting column.
14). Fe 500 Steel is also recommended for column reinforcement.
15). The column should be equally spaced in a grid so as to efficiently transfer the load.
Thumb Rule For Slab

1). The minimum thickness of the slab is 125mm
2). The minimum diameter of bars used in the slab is 8mm
3). Fe 500 Steel should be used in Slab
4). A clear cover of 15mm to 20mm should be provided on a slab
5). The maximum diameter of bars used in the slab is 1/8th times of slab thickness
6). Steel required in the slab is 1% of the total volume of concrete
7). M15 Grade of concrete or above should be used in the slab.
8). Spacing between reinforcement in slab should not be less than 150mm c/c.
Thumb Rule For Beam

1). Steel required in the beam is 2% of the total volume of concrete.
2). A minimum clear cover of 40mm shall be provided in beams.
3). M20 grade of concrete should be used in beam construction.
4). Minimum of 4 bars shall be provided in beams. 2 bars of 12mm at the top and 2 bars of 10mm at the bottom.
5). M15 Grade of concrete or above should be used in the slab.
6). Spacing between reinforcement in slab should not be less than 150mm c/c.
I earnestly hope that these construction thumb rules have been both meaningful and useful to you & help you to make your house construction perfect.
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