Gypsum Plaster vs Cement Plaster

Gypsum Plaster vs Cement Plaster – 10 Important Difference Between

Gypsum Plaster vs Cement Plaster

Hello Friends,

To cover the exposed surface, Avoid rainwater penetration, and other ideal atmospheric victims and give a better appearance and decorative effect to the structure, plastering has been a building technique since ancient times.

In today’s time, new trends have come into the market with advanced technology and many new applications in the construction sector, all of which have the same objective to give a higher and better appearance along with faster construction.

Gypsum plaster is an old cement plastering technology in which the Giza pyramid made in Egypt is one of its oldest examples in which internal plaster has to be been done by gypsum plaster. This is the proof of durability and performance of gypsum plaster.

Gypsum Plaster vs Cement Plaster
Gypsum Plaster vs Cement Plaster

Today, Gypsum plaster is being used on a large scale in many countries like Australia, Canada, the United Kingdom, and the USA etc. So you do not have to get confused between Gypsum Plaster vs Cement Plaster because both of them have a different appearance, strength and application area.

So, today’s In this article, we are going to discuss the difference between cement plaster and Gypsum plaster.

So let’s begin

1). Raw Materials

Cement plaster is made up of sand, portland cement and water. The mixture of sand and cement is done on-site in different ratios and its packing is also available in the market.

Gypsum Plaster vs Cement Plaster
Gypsum Plaster vs Cement Plaster


Gypsum plaster is made up of only gypsum powder instead of Portland cement and it doesn’t need sand.

2). Manufacturing

Cement plaster is manufactured both at the site and in the factory.


Gypsum plaster is manufactured only in factories.

3). Green Product

Gypsum Plaster vs Cement Plaster
Gypsum Plaster vs Cement Plaster

Cement plaster is not a green building product.


Gypsum plaster is a green building product.

4). Application Area

Cement plaster can be used on exterior and interior surfaces.

Gypsum Plaster vs Cement Plaster
Gypsum Plaster vs Cement Plaster


Gypsum plaster can only be used on ceilings and interior walls. It cannot be used in wet areas like toilets, baths, kitchens, wash areas, balconies etc.

Gypsum Plaster vs Cement Plaster
Gypsum Plaster vs Cement Plaster

5). Wastage

The percentage of wastage is higher during the application of cement plaster.


While during the application of gypsum plaster the percentage of wastage is nominal.

Gypsum Plaster vs Cement Plaster
Gypsum Plaster vs Cement Plaster

6). Setting Time

Cement plaster needs a minimum 24-hour interval between two coats of cement plaster. After a period of 48hours, The finished plaster coat may be applied to interior cement-based coats.


The setting time of gypsum plaster can be controlled. The time between two successive coats is very small.

7). Packing Size

Gypsum Plaster vs Cement Plaster
Gypsum Plaster vs Cement Plaster

Cement Plaster is available in packing of 40kg.


Gypsum plaster is available in packing of 25kg.

8). Consumption

For 12mm plastering thickness. If we consider the mortar ratio 1:4.

In the case of cement plaster, a 40kg bag covers a surface area of about 16 to 18sqft.


In the case of gypsum plaster, a 25kg bag covers a surface area of about 18 to 21sqft. It means the coverage area is more in gypsum plaster instead of cement plaster.

9). Compressive Strength

Cement plaster’s compressive strength is about 3.5 to 7.5Mpa. It totally depends on the mortar ratio. For example, If the cement mortar ratio is 1:4 then the compressive strength will be 4 to 5 Mpa.


Gypsum plaster’s compressive strength is about 5 to 7Mpa which is more as compared to cement plaster.

10). Tensile Strength

Cement plaster can develop shrinkage cracks because it has low tensile and flexural strength. Further, Most cracking happens due to shrinkage, which is quite common.


Gypsum plaster can prevent shrinkage because it has high tensile and flexural strength. So, gypsum plaster is less prone to cracking.

11). Weight

The density of cement plaster is higher than gypsum plaster; Hence the load on the building is increased as compared to gypsum plaster and needs water to attain strength.


The density of gypsum plaster is less as compared to cement plaster. Therefore, gypsum plaster is light in weight and total strength is achieved in air. Gypsum material is formed as a result of evaporating sea water in massive prehistoric basins.

12). Coating Thickness

In the case of cement plaster, the minimum coating of plaster should not be less than 10mm.


In the case of gypsum plaster, the minimum coating of plaster should not be less than 6mm or else it will peel off.

13). Finishing

After sand cement plaster pop punning is required for a better and labelled surface finish. In the case of cement plaster, we need pop punning on the plaster surface to receive paint. It may require POP punning 6 to 8mm on it before paint application. 


Gypsum plaster provides a smooth interior finish for ceiling, and walls and it is the ideal background for good quality paints & wallpaper finishes. In the case of gypsum plaster pop, punning is not required we can directly apply the paint after coating.

14). Surfaces

Cement plaster cannot be applied on smooth surfaces. Cement plaster gives a rough surface.


Gypsum plaster can be applied on smooth as well as rough surfaces. Gypsum plaster gives a very smooth finish which makes it compatible with paints.

15). Curing


In the case of cement plaster pre- wet curing and post-wet curing are required for 7 days.


In the case of gypsum plaster, no curing is required. Only 24 hours of air curing is enough.

16). Space

In the case of a cement-plastered room, the space looks smaller and unattractive as it is dark green colour.


In the case of a gypsum-plastered room, this place looks large and beautiful as gypsum plaster is pure white in colour.

17). Labor

Cement Plaster is generally done by unskilled labour and hence not likely to be accurate and perfect.


Gypsum plaster is premixed and available in easy-to-handle bags, Only the addition of water is required resulting in less wastage of time, labour and material.

18). Insect Resistant

Gypsum Plaster vs Cement Plaster
Gypsum Plaster vs Cement Plaster

Cement plaster is not considered safe from fungus, moulds etc. 


Gypsum plaster is an antifungal plaster and it does not get affected by any insects.

19). Fire Resistant

Gypsum Plaster vs Cement Plaster
Gypsum Plaster vs Cement Plaster

In the event of a fire, cement plaster becomes brittle and cracks and loses its bond with the wall


In the case of fire, gypsum plaster acts as a barrier and protects the blockwork, concrete and steel.

20). Corrosion Resistant

Cement plaster is not a rust inhibitor.


Gypsum plaster is the perfect rust preventive agent and also inhibits the corrosion of electric metal fittings, pipes etc.

21). Cost

Gypsum Plaster vs Cement Plaster
Gypsum Plaster vs Cement Plaster

However, The application of cement plaster is a time-consuming process hence increasing the project cost but its per sqft cost is less than gypsum plastering. Without POP punning it’s around Rs.2000/- and if POP punning is to be done to prepare a smooth surface it will be approx Rs.2600/-


The application of gypsum plaster is a time-saving process that does decrease the project cost. But gypsum plastering cost is more expensive than cement plaster. It will be approx Rs.2300/- because, gypsum plaster materials cost is always high.

Nowadays river sand and its availability are a major problem and river sand has become costly hence cement plaster is costlier than gypsum plaster. Gypsum plaster is cheaper as compared to cement plaster.

I hope this article will definitely help you to choose to make the correct choice between Gypsum Plaster vs Cement Plaster.

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Gypsum Plaster vs Cement Plaster
Gypsum Plaster vs Cement Plaster

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