Concealed Wiring vs Open Wiring

16 Main Difference between Concealed Wiring vs Open Wiring – Best Electric Wiring For House?

Concealed Wiring vs Open Wiring – Best Electric Wiring For House

Hello friends,

In this post, we will discuss the differences between concealed wiring and open wiring

So, Let’s start

1). Concept

The meaning of concealed is hidden. In this type of wiring, at the time of building construction PVC or metallic pipes are inserted in slabs, walls, and floors for electrical wiring.

Concealed Wiring vs Open Wiring
Concealed Wiring vs Open Wiring

On the other hand,

The meaning of open is exposed, In this type of wiring electrical wires are placed in surface-mounted conduits. These conduits are visible and they are not hidden inside the walls.

2). Aesthetics

Concealed conduit electrical wiring is the most popular, athletically beautiful, and stronger. The surface looks neat and clean and this surface can be used for further decoration.

Concealed Wiring vs Open Wiring


 Open wiring system does not give an aesthetically good look. In this type of wiring aesthetic look of the wall can be maintained by covering it with decorative and protective materials which may add to the cost.

3). Installation

Concealed wiring is challenging to work on as compared to open wiring. In the case of concealed wiring channels or chases are required to be made in the wall and it requires more time.


 In the case of open wiring, Installation of wiring is easy as compared to concealed wiring, and also in the case of open wiring, no channels or chases are required in the wall so it requires less time.

4). Safety and Durability

 The concealed wiring system is safe and durable.


 The open wiring system is not as safe and durable as compared to concealed wiring.

5). Fault Detection

 In the case of concealed wiring, all the wires are enclosed electrical conduit therefore faults cannot be found and fixed quickly and easily.

Concealed Wiring vs Open Wiring


In the case of open wiring, all the cables are in the open air therefore faults can be easily detected and can be fixed quickly.

6). Addition

In the case of concealed wiring, it is very complex and difficult to provide any additional connection in the future. For additional connections, you need the help of an expert.


In the case of open wiring, it is easy to provide additional connections in the future.

7). Popularity

Concealed wiring is the most reliable and popular wiring system now a day.


An open wiring system is rarely used.

8). Risk of Fire

Concealed Wiring vs Open Wiring
Concealed Wiring vs Open Wiring

In the case of concealed wiring, there is no risk of fire or mechanical wear and Tear.


 In the case of open wiring, there is more risk of fire due to short circuits and mechanical wear and Tear.

9). Changing the Location of Switches

 In the case of concealed wiring changing the location of switches is quite difficult.

Concealed Wiring vs Open Wiring


 In the case of open wiring changing the location of switches is quite easy.

10). Weather Conditions

In the case of concealed wiring weather conditions like rain, steam, humidity, chemical, smoke, etc. cannot affect it easily or affect it slowly.


In the case of open wiring, the weather conditions such as rain, oil, vapor, steam, humidity, chemical, and smoke can easily and quickly up it as compared to concealed wiring.

11). Electrical Shock

Concealed Wiring vs Open Wiring
Concealed Wiring vs Open Wiring

In concealed wiring, there is no risk of electrical shock to users from the cable.


In the case of open wiring, the chance of electrical shock is more for users.

12). Leakage of Water and Cracks

Concealed Wiring vs Open Wiring
Concealed Wiring vs Open Wiring

In the case of concealed wiring, there were cut and changes being made which makes the walls weak Or Poor so the chances of leakage of water and cracks in walls also increases.


In the case of open wiring, there is no need for any chasing work so, the chances of leakage of water and cracks are not there.

13). Replacement & Reuse of Materials

In the case of concealed wiring, the whole wiring system cannot be replaced in a short period of time, and the material of the wiring cannot be reused at another place.


In the case of open wiring, the whole wiring system can be replaced in a short period of time and the material of the wiring can be reused at another place.

14). Repair

Concealed Wiring vs Open Wiring
Concealed Wiring vs Open Wiring

Repairing the work of concealed wiring systems is very difficult.


Repair work of open wiring system is very easy as compared to the concealed wiring system.

15). Life

The life of concealed wiring is long as compared to open wiring.


The life of open wiring is short as compared to concealed wiring.

16). Cost

Concealed Wiring vs Open Wiring
Concealed Wiring vs Open Wiring

Concealed wiring is expensive compared to an open wiring system.


The open wiring system is less expensive as compared to the concealed wiring system.

So, friend, I think this post will help you   

I earnestly hope that this post has been both meaningful and useful to you & help you to choose between concealed wiring and open wiring

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Concealed Wiring vs Open Wiring
Concealed Wiring vs Open Wiring

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